
Office developments in Warsaw: analysis and trends in late 2024
In the fourth quarter of 2024, Warsaw’s office market continued to experience stable occupier demand amid constrained new supply, with tenants seeking to secure spaces in the city centre and expecting sustainable solutions, reveals “At a Glance: Warsaw Office Market, Q4 2024”, a report from BNP Paribas Real Estate Poland.

Low new supply on the Warsaw office market amid heightened occupier activity
At the end of last year, Warsaw’s total office stock stood at 6.2 million sqm, of which just 61,000 sqm was delivered in 2023 - the lowest annual figure for new supply in the last five years and well below the five-year average of around 220,000 sqm.

Rynek powierzchni przemysłowo-logistycznych w Polsce w III kwartale 2023 roku
Pomimo wzrostu czynszów na przestrzeni ostatnich miesięcy, polski rynek powierzchni przemysłowo-logistycznych wciąż pozostaje atrakcyjnym miejscem dla najemców oraz inwestorów.

The transaction volume results for the third quarter of 2023 elicit optimism for a resurgence in growth, yet it is too soon to celebrate
Despite the ascent in capitalization rates and prevailing global uncertainties, investors have executed agreements exceeding 741 million euros—a figure surpassing fourfold that of the preceding quarter in 2023.

Trade in good shape: Vanishing vacancies and new retail space
In recent years, the commercial real estate market in Poland has seen an accelerated growth in mixed-use schemes. Approximately 40 mixed-use developments have been completed in our country, and this market segment is gaining momentum.