The Polish branch of BNP Paribas Real Estate represented one of the Asian clients of the BNP Group in the acquisition process of the distribution center in West Poland. The Korean fund became the new owner. The property with a GLA of 190,000 sq m is fully leased to one of the largest e-commerce providers in the World.

BNP Paribas Group provided comprehensive support for the transaction – starting from representing the Asian investor in acquiring an investment opportunity, throughout technical due diligence of the asset, arranging and providing attractive financing for the investment, to handling the transaction payments.

The financing, of almost EUR 100M, was granted by a consortium of two banks, with BNP Paribas Bank Polska being the Facility and Security Agent as well as the Account Bank. BNP Paribas Bank Polska provided also escrow services, allowing the parties to settle the purchase price in a safe way.

We are proud to be a part of one of the largest Polish deals made in 2021. We are also happy to support our Asian clients in their investment in Europe and Poland, offering full scope of services. At the same time, I would like to thank all the parties involved in this very complex process. These past months of hard work performed by many people resulted in a great effect. said Mateusz Skubiszewski, Head of Capital Markets, BNP Paribas Real Estate Poland.

- This transaction is the effect of BNP Paribas Group’s global presence and its very strong array of competences that we can provide. I am glad that we can support our clients in new markets, implementing the mission of the BNP Paribas Group - helping to invest in a project that has been developed in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and using many ecological solutions. said Marek Kowalski, Head of Real Estate Finance, BNP Paribas Bank.

The facility is fully leased to an international e-commerce leading brand  and  offers over 190,000 sqm of modern industrial space on 4 levels, accompanied by more than 9,000 sqm of office area, accompanied with  over 1,000 parking places at the site. The property benefits from excellent transport links of S3 express way, which  provides a connection to the A2 Motorway, allowing the tenant to efficiently distribute goods throughout Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic.

Mateusz Skubiszewski
Head of Capital Markets
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